Specializing in Dubia roaches, tarantulas, feeder and pet bugs.

  • Roaches
  • Eliptorhina laevigata 1.5 inch nymphs

Eliptorhina laevigata 1.5 inch nymphs


Eliptorhina laevigata 1.5 inch nymphs


This Rare roach is very docile and are not often offered for sale. I received them a few years ago in a trade from Kyle at Roach crossing and breeding them was very slow at first but eventually they became more consistent which now allows me to offer them. These are quite large and can reach 3.5 inches and some even larger, about twice the size of it cousin , javanica. I ship large nymphs up to sub-adults, depending on what I have.

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This Rare roach is very docile and are not often offered for sale. I received them a few years ago in a trade from Kyle at Roach crossing and breeding them was very slow at first but eventually they became more consistent which now allows me to offer them. These are quite large and can reach 3.5 inches and some even larger, about twice the size of it cousin , javanica. I ship large nymphs up to sub-adults, depending on what I have.